TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart TrygFonden CPR Heart
Every day, 15 Danes suffer from a heart attack. That´s why TrygFonden and WINTHER WINTHER developed the CPR Heart as the core element of the “PIV for LIV” (“squeak for life”) campaign that would train over 200.000 people in CPR. Essentially, the heart squeaks when exposed to the same amount of pressure as when doing chest compressions. The idea and concept were generously given out to NGOs by TrygFonden. WITNHER WINTHER has taken the product to more than 10 countries and delivered more than 250.000 CPR Hearts.

Every day, 15 Danes suffer from a heart attack. That´s why TrygFonden and WINTHER WINTHER developed the CPR Heart as the core element of the “PIV for LIV” (“squeak for life”) campaign that would train over 200.000 people in CPR. Essentially, the heart squeaks when exposed to the same amount of pressure as when doing chest compressions. The idea and concept were generously given out to NGOs by TrygFonden. WITNHER WINTHER has taken the product to more than 10 countries and delivered more than 250.000 CPR Hearts.